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How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom for Better Intimacy

How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom for Better Intimacy

Jess Bovee Jess Bovee
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Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that many incorporate into their spaces as a way to optimize the energy within a room through decor, furniture, colors, and more. “Feng,” means wind, and "shui" means water, which helps us visualize the importance of how things flow. Applying Feng Shui bedroom principles can transform your resting space into a haven of peace and positive energy.

We’re going to dive deeper into how to harness the power of this practice for bringing in new love, enhancing your sex life, and supporting your current relationship. On top of deeper connection and bigger orgasms, you may even find that these tips help you sleep better, too.

Put Everything into Pairs 

Balance is a big theme through feng shui, and if you’re wanting to focus on your relational energy, try making more pairs.

This means that instead of having just one candle on a nearby table, you would make sure that you have two. In a Feng Shui bedroom, it's recommended to position your bed centrally with its back against the wall, ensuring there is sufficient space on each side for two nightstands. Get creative and find ways to start using doubles in the bedroom, even if it’s just you in there.

Activate Your Senses in the Bedroom

Transform your sleeping area into a sanctuary by utilizing Feng Shui bedroom techniques that delight all your senses. You want to feel fully immersed from the colors to the aromas while still maintaining a calm environment.

For example, avoid neons or colors that give off really bright tones, and go for a more muted palette. And, try incorporating colors like red and pink in your bedroom decor. This means using small accents with pillows or decorative items that highlight these hues. And, lucky for you, Lubilicious’ Original Lube is featured in a pink container to perfectly match your feng shui intimacy goals. ;)

feng shui bedroom couple intimacy

You’re also going to want to avoid edges or sharp surfaces, and opt for soft textures and rounded curves throughout your layout. Luxurious bedding or silk curtains can make your space feel more inviting for you and your desired lover. For aromas, try something light yet intoxicating such as ylang ylang, lavender, or vanilla for a subtle shift you can feel in the room.

Minimize Electronics, Exes, and Expressions 

While there’s much for you to add and change in the world of feng shui, there are also rules on what to avoid to enhance the intimacy in your bedroom.

Electronics are a no-go for any bedroom for both your sex life and good sleep. Don’t put a TV or computer in your room, and try to keep your phone at a distance when you can.

This one may surprise you, but keep faces out of the bedroom. This means no art with faces, or even pictures of your friends and family. This can bring in too many other energies that you likely don’t want in the room you’re trying to expand your sex life in.

Another big one is to remove all items that are from or remind you of any past partners. This old energy can stagnate your current efforts or relationships and block your forward movement. Even sheets you used to share with them should be replaced to create a fresh space that invites new love and experiences.

You also don’t want to make any stressful expressions, so keep out excess books, work tasks, clutter, or anything that could incite worry or feelings of overwhelm. Remember, by using these tips, your bedroom can be your sanctuary for deep sleep and even deeper emotional and physical intimacy with yourself and partners.

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